True or False: We Can Invest in 100% of New Mexico’s Children
Creating a New Mexico where childhood is trauma-free is only possible when we make every child’s health, safety, and education the number one priority. We have the proposal for a groundbreaking strategy ready to implement.
Katherine Ortega Courtney, PhD and Dominic Cappello
Together, we can create a future where every childhood is healthy, safe, and resilient, free from trauma and adversity. It’s the work we’ve committed ourselves to.
Today, children endure epidemic rates of adverse childhood experiences, often leading to serious trauma. And the human and financial toll of trauma is staggering, a major cause of our most costly public health, education, and safety challenges.
What kind of society allows an epidemic of childhood trauma to continue?
We are a society awash in trauma, a nation of fifty states each with its own unique history telling the story of how children are protected or left vulnerable in traumatizing households, schools, and communities. The story driving the work in New Mexico is that of eight-year-old Anna, a child who fell between the cracks in child welfare, failed by her family, community, and all the services designed to protect her.
Within the 100% New Mexico initiative, we are working to prevent trauma so every child and student can thrive. We are addressing the root causes of adverse childhood experiences that lead to trauma. It’s not a problem to brush aside by thinking it only happens on the other side of town. Adverse childhood experiences and trauma exist in households of all income levels and in every neighborhood and rural community.
We’ve seen how we as a society can mobilize to solve a crisis when deemed a priority. Today, you can join us in a new priority: ending the epidemic of childhood trauma.
The 100% New Mexico initiative provides you and your community with the framework for creating trauma-free childhoods that lead to a society where you can access the services for surviving and thriving. Your local county initiative is poised with a proposal to implement a groundbreaking, straightforward strategy.
The Strategy: Ensure every family has access to ten vital services
Support the implementation of a statewide network of 100% Family Center: One Stop Service Hubs which can link families to existing and accessible services onsite, online or through navigators. The Center’s quality improvement staff would also focus on increasing services in each county, aligning the work with local government and nongovernmental organizations in each county and region.
- Linking families to current services shown to prevent trauma
- Increasing services in ten sectors through quality improvement
- Building “Grow Your Own” Programs to address workforce shortages in healthcare providers, teachers and social workers
- Aligning city and county health/safety/education programs
- Supporting the development of school-based programs: Health centers, Family resource/service hubs, Community Schools
- Serving as a base for local 100% New Mexico initiative and all health-related coalitions and research projects
- Supporting technology to increase overall quality of life
The 100% Family Center: One-Stop Service Hub strategy is what we call our initiative’s keystone project. We are moving forward and asking for your support as it’s not a matter of if we build a statewide network of 100% Family Centers, but when. And now is the time for bold initiatives that promise a return on investment: 100% of New Mexico’s children, students, and families thriving.
Did you know? Our transformational 100% New Mexico initiative is guided by web-based, self-paced courses provided free to all New Mexicans.

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The 100% New Mexico initiative is a program of the Anna, Age Eight Institute at New Mexico State University, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service. Contact: or visit to learn more.