What Happened to 8-Year-Old Anna?
A Child’s Right to Survive and Thrive: A self-guided course for 100% New Mexico initiative participants & partners
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Your Guides Through the Course
Why should I enroll?
Our young people are navigating a traumatized and traumatizing society. Children and students endure adverse childhood experiences, family trauma, and social adversity in the form of racism, classism, and barriers to ten vital services for surviving and thriving. Our mission is to ensure that each community reflects the positive social determinants of health which are represented by these ten vital services. This groundbreaking work requires a radical change in how our local and state institutions enrich home, school, and community environments across each county.
The lessons housed within A Child’s Right to Survive and Thrive provide an urgently needed course correction, steering society from apathy and anger toward problem-solving and altruism. Your participation in the courses can provide you with the insights, skills, and resources to engage fully with the 100% New Mexico initiative. We welcome you to the nation’s first course designed to ensure all infants, children, and youth can thrive in fully-resourced and caring families and communities.
Please Note
At this time, the course is only open to New Mexico residents. If you live outside of New Mexico and would like to access the course, please email us at annaageeight@nmsu.edu.
Is There a Cost?
Absolutely not. The course is completely free of charge with instant access after completing a simple registration process.
Certificate of Completion
Already registered?
Creating a New Mexico where 100% of our children thrive requires new ways working, learning, prioritizing, and problem-solving. Welcome to 100% New Mexico Initiative Training Center, a learning environment designed to empower initiative participants and their community partners across New Mexico. Inside you’ll find courses for initiative leadership teams, action teams, and agency leaders representing the vital services for surviving and thriving. Our goal is audacious: ensuring ten vital services within each county, transforming the adverse social determinants of health into positive ones.
The Road to 100% is our video series highlighting the innovative work of champions working within the 100% New Mexico Initiatives across the state.
Need Help?
Did you run into problems registering? Didn’t get an invitation email? Stuck on a step? Contact us and we’ll help.