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Barriers & Solutions

Why are services out of reach?


7 min.

This page provides county residents with an overview of the barriers to ten vital local services that families endure, as well as a process for ending barriers through collaboration and partnerships.



When people say, “We refer families to services,” how do they know the services actually exist?

County stakeholders, including all local elected officials, can learn which services are easily available by surveying residents. Our 100% New Mexico survey asks parents, students and elders to what degree they can access support services and what the barriers to services might be.

Our goal is to ensure that all our families and community members have access to ten vital services, promoting the health, safety and resilience of all county residents. The five “surviving” services are medical care, housing security programs, food security programs, behavioral health care and transportation to services. Five services for “thriving” include: parent supports, early childhood learning/child care, fully-resourced community-focused schools, youth mentors and job training.

How Survey Results Guide Solutions

Explore our 100% Catron County Survey to learn what’s easily available in all the communities within a county’s borders. This information is what guides the initiative’s ten action teams, each one focused on replacing service barriers with easy access.

Catron County Community Baseline DWI Assessment

The Catron County DWI Office received funds from the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration to conduct a baseline community assessment in FY2021. Thus far, Catron County had not been able to have their DWI program evaluated as per the state mandate, and due to the small size of the program a baseline assessment was suggested instead. Obtaining a baseline would allow the evaluators to gauge the status quo of drinking-related behaviors and attitudes across the county.


Catron County, New Mexico, is a place of natural beauty, rich cultures and community- minded residents, with a history of challenges, successes and resilience. This survey asked residents about their access to the ten vital services for surviving and thriving—including timely medical care. As state, county and city leaders work to strengthen public health and economic stability, this report serves to identify barriers to the services that keep residents healthy, safe, self-sufficient and empowered to thrive.

Our survey asked parents and guardians to what degree they had access to medical care and other vital services.


Image 1. Survey Summary: This graphic shows a summary of the Catron County survey results.


7 STEPS TO 100%

The 100% New Mexico initiative is a seven-step process starting with a survey of community members, assessing what percentage of those who needed each service had difficulty accessing them, and why. Barriers identified can range from the service not being available in the community to inability to access transportation to the service. Each county has ten action teams, one representing each of the ten sectors who then take that data, analyze it, identify solutions to the barriers, implement those solutions, and evaluate progress. And then that process is repeated until the barriers are removed and 100% of residents have access to the services. It’s a radically simple framework with an ambitious, audacious goal: preventing childhood trauma, adverse community experiences, and social adversity.

Our survey asked parents and guardians to what degree they had access to medical care and other vital services.

100% Catron – Barriers & Solutions

Image 2. Initiative Steps: This graphic outlines the seven data-driven and collaborative steps to ensure that 100% of county residents have access to ten vital services.